Web Development Agency

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Web Development Agency

What do you do when you need to buy a new coat? What do you do when you get to know about a new saloon around the corner? Yes, the first thing we do is to check online. 

In the times of today, it is nearly impossible to even imagine that a company or business can survive and compete without an online presence in the market.

It can even be said that it is an online war. The business with the most engaging, interesting and interactive website/mobile application is going to take the lead.

So, how do we make a website? Even though it seems pretty simple, it is not everyone’s cup of tea! Many people have tried making their websites. But have failed miserably. The best way to go about it is they leave it to the experts, A.K.A the Web Development Agencies.

Now that we are clear what web development is, it is obvious that not everyone can do it. For this reason, there are web development agencies that provide these services keeping in mind the requirements of the particular business or client.

Over the years, website creation has evolved and grown. With the advance in technology, the way that these websites come across has changed from simple text and graphics to highly interactive and integrated websites. The modern-day websites further go on and give the closest real-life experience users can get.

Another change we see in websites is that they are being designed to be mobile-friendly. This is a major challenge that these agencies face, to develop websites for smaller devices while being compatible on laptops and PC’s.

What is Web Development?

Before we hop along and see what a web development agency does, let’s see what development is all about. This is a short brief about the complex process. If you want to learn more about the in’s and out’s of developing a website, we have more resources here. Simply put, web development is everything that goes into making a website on the intranet or internet. It includes building, creating and then maintaining the website.

As can be seen from the figure, it is a 3-step process. Basically, it involves everything that happens behind the scenes of a website. Web Development Agencies

Services Offered

With different agencies offering different services, the basic ones are the same across the board.
In general, website creation and the building is a 12-step process. The agency you opt for might or might not be offering all of these. You need to check before hiring one.

  • Understand your needs and provide a detailed framework on how your website will look like.
    Choose from the different coding languages (JavaScript, AHP, PHP etc)
  •  Program the back end through coding
  • Integrating different media in the website.
  •  Publish and optimize content
  • Design the front end (work on the user experience)
  •  Beta testing (checking how the website works before it is officially approved)
  • If all is ok, go ahead and put it live. If not, see what is wrong and fix it.
  • Conduct further tests like web page loading speed, performance, user interface, etc
  • Putting the website live
  • Maintaining it. This includes keeping an eye on the performance and adding more content when required.
  • Updating it. Some agencies offer this service. This means when you need to update the website or add in new stuff, they do it for you. The agencies work in two broad categories and you can choose one as can be seen in the figure.

Customized Website: If you have something in mind and want your business to stand out from the rest, this is the option to go for. True, it will be a little costlier than the template-based option but you don’t want to have the same, boring website as the rest, do you?

Template-based one: The agency will give you a template and you can feed in the information. This will be cheaper but there is no flexibility and no customization there.

How to Select the Best Web Development Agency?

Once you get down to research, you can see that there are a plethora of options available out there. With so many companies offering the same services, how can you know which one is the best?

Sourceone Solutions validates all our vendors prior them joining our network so we know the in’s and out’s of choosing the right agency. For your ease, we are going to share some tips and tricks to help you select the best of the best.

1. Check the Agency Portfolio
Most of the good web development companies you will come across will be sharing their projects in one way or the other. Check those projects. The best way to do so is going on the websites they have developed and check how it responds.
Keep an eye out for the page loading speed, user-interface experience, image loading speed, quality of graphics and pretty much anything you can see. Also, check how responsive the website is on different devices like laptops, mobiles, tablets etc. This way you will also get to know about the compatibility of the website.

2. Check their Website
A simple and effective way to check how good an agency is to check the official website. Just by a glance, you can get to know if they are following the rules of designing and development themselves or not? Is the website impressive or not? Three major parameters to look out for are:
Website design
Features of the website
Content quality
For this, you can also check the official social media profiles like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter etc.

3. Client Reviews and Testimonials
You can always check reviews of the clients and testimonials. For this, we don’t recommend only relying on the ones present on the official website. You can look on different social media platforms and check the reputation of the company. You can also call up previous clients and see how their experience was.

The client retention rate is very important and this is how you can know about the performance of a web development agency. If they have clients that just get one project done and the rest of the work is done by some other agency, this is a red flag.
If the company has the same clients for a longer period, it shows they are happy and satisfied with the outcome and the client retention rate is good!

4. Responsiveness
When working with an agency, interaction and communication are important. You need to be able to communicate with them whenever required. So, it is important to check the responsiveness and availability of the agency.

The best way for this is to put forward an email and strike a conversation. You can ask for a price quote or you can ask them to further give you information on who will be dealing with you etc. See how quickly they respond to emails. If they take 24 to 48 hours to reply, it can become a problem later on when you need to have quick communication with them.

5. Ease of Communication
There is going to be constant communication when you outsource your website development to any agency. You will need to be able to understand each other. For this, see the customer support and try to get to talk to a few different people to see how easily you can communicate.

6. Services Offered
There is no hard and fast rule to the services being offered by a web development agency. Different agencies are offering different services. You need to be clear about what services you will be offered if you opt for a particular agency.

Apart from development and creation, check whether they offer problem-solving or not. During the web development process, things don’t always go as planned. In case of a problem, will they come up with a solution or expect you to tell them what to do?
It is important to go for an agency that offers this service as they are professionals and know how to tackle problems better than the business owner.

7. Web Technologies and Implementation Process
You must know what web technologies the agency is using. Are these technologies up-to-date or not? Will they be able to produce what you have in mind or not?
Once you are clear that the agency is following the proper web technologies, see how trained and skilled the staff is. Are they knowledgeable enough to implement the technologies or not?

You can check customer support for this. Just by talking to the staff once, you can get a good idea of whether they are skilled or not.

These are some of the things you need to check properly. Otherwise, you can end up with an unreliable agency. If that happens, you won’t only lose a lot of money, but you can also lose on your business.

If the users don’t get a good experience, the website does not load quickly, the graphics are just ordinary, no one is going to stay on your page for long and you are going to lose customers and readers.

Therefore, it is important to go for the best of the best and this guide will help you do exactly that! Reach out today using the link below and we can have a discussion on whether your current web development agency is doing right by you.

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